
The PhysiYoga Approach

At PhysiYoga we interested in alleviating your current symptoms as well as understanding the root cause of your problem. We aim for long lasting results. We invest many hours in professional development in order to meet these aims.

Our unique difference is that Emily is a Certified ConnectTherapy practitioner, who us undergoing Mentor Certification in the ConnectTherapy and Thoracic Ring Approach frameworks. 

We have developed a PhysiYoga method of assessing your posture and movement. 

Why People Visit Us

We can help you with a variety of problems, regardless if they are recent injuries or long standing chronic conditions. Your problem might be pain, or it may be that something just doesn’t feel “right” (like feeling twisted or crooked, leaking when you run or laugh, breathing feeling restricted, headaches, tension anywhere – to name just a few things).

 During your initial consultation with your Physiotherapist, we discuss your health and wellness goals and determine the best treatment (or class fit) for you.

Our clients often visit us to address a range of movement concerns, or feeling ‘not right in their body’. Your initial goals might be any (or a combination) of the following:

  • Reduce pain
  • Prevent injury
  • Improve posture
  • Improve flexibility
  • Improve strength
  • Generally move and feel better!
  • Retraining better movement patterns.
  • Teaching you how to activate your true ‘core’ muscles effectively.
  • Helping you to ‘switch-off’ tight and overactive muscles.
  • Mindful movement – learning to breathe well and move a rhythmical and continual nature becomes a meditation in itself.
  • Challenge your strength and control
  • Encourage good breathing patterns
  • Assist in focus and concentration
  • Introduce you to the benefits of meditation and relaxation

How we help you move better

Your physiotherapist will assess you individually. 

The key things our physiotherapists do that gets results for you is: 

  1. We determine the cause of your problem
  2. We explain why and how it started (if this isn’t known)
  3. We empower you with what you can do about it
  4. We determine a plan to fix the problem and we guide you through it

Research has shown that these results can be effectively and safely achieved for many clients via via virtual physiotherapy (Telehealth) consultation options.

Book now to experience the PhysiYoga difference.

Hands-on Options

We combine hands-on manual therapy with therapeutic exercises. No being left alone with hot packs and no beeping machines – you will have our undivided attention for the whole session.

Our therapists are trained in a wide variety of treatment techniques that include:

  • Massage & soft tissue release
  • Joint mobilisation
  • Craniosacral therapy
  • Muscle energy techniques
  • Visceral releases
  • Dry-needling
  • Taping
  • And more…



Treating just the painful or problematic symptoms often has short lasting effects. We work hard to determine exactly what to treat now for symptom relief and how to address the “Driver” – the true underlying cause of the problem. This is why we use ConnectTherapy.
ConnectTherapy is an innovative whole-person approach to physiotherapy, developed by Canadian researcher and clinician Dr Linda-Joy Lee. ConnectTherapy which differs from the traditional approach in that it recognizes that some dysfunctional areas of our body are painful and some are not. We use this framework to determine what we need to treat now to relieve your symptoms, and what needs to be addressed next for long-lasting results to move you toward your movement and wellness goals.

We know that old injuries may have healed or faded with time, but can still have a lasting impact on how we move. We ask you about your hobbies, sports and daily activities which create movement habits that continue to influence how we move now.

Clients with complex needs will be easily identified by the PhysiYoga Team and when appropriate, can be referred for a full ConnectTherapy Assessment and co-treated by Emily and her team. Emily works exclusively in this model and is mentoring and supporting her team to integrate these frameworks. 


You can call us during business hours to book your consultation or classes or you can book here. If the times shown online do not suit, please phone us

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