Telehealth for Physios

Current COVID-19 Management Strategies

28th November update:

Internal Changes

  1. Meetings to be held via Zoom
  2. Review COVID-safe plan weekly
  3. Physiotherapists to upskill in telehealth
  4. Increase staffing levels to cover quarantines
    1. 1x 0.5 FTE front office
    2. 2-3 days/week of massage
    3. 5x FTE physios


For Staff

  1. Wear a mask at all times when inside – upgrade to P2 respirators when available
  2. Wear face protection when you will be less than 1.5m from clients (disinfect with alcohol spray after every interaction/client)
  3. Maintain 1.5m social distancing both inside and outside: No touching, hugging, handshaking, singing, coughing
  4. During breaks – use outdoor break area and maintain social distance
  5. Telehealth upskilling


Cleaning – 2 step

  1. Surface spray & wipe with paper towel (detergent clean)
  2. Disinfect (alcohol spray)


For Clients

  1. COVID Check in on every visit
  2. Check in at the front desk (as well as your COVID check in) and then wait in your car, outside or in our outside waiting area until your class or appointment
  3. Wear a mask at all times when inside
  4. Maintain 1.5m social distancing both inside and outside: No touching, hugging, handshaking, singing, coughing
  5. We must record your vaccination status for our records so we can respond appropriately to any outbreaks


For Clients – Class specific

  1. Open windows for the class duration – close at the end
  2. Instructor and clients to wear masks – adjust music accordingly
  3. Classes only for fully vaccinated
  4. Notify the front office staff of your vaccination status on arrival. We may ask for the date of your last vaccination to establish which category you fall into
  5. Please bring a towel to every class where you use our equipment (i.e. reformers)
  6. Stagger mats in mat studio where possible


These are the current conditions of entry to our premises:

Anyone with COVID symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, change in taste, change in smell, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, headache, muscle pain) should not be present in a primary or community health setting

All people asked on arrival if they have been unwell and if any of these symptoms are present they will be asked to leave.

Vaccination status informs us of the level of risk, cleaning and quarantine for our staff. Therefore, all clients will be asked on arrival what their vaccination status is, and when their last dose was.


Our team will be:

  • Wearing protective equipment
  • Minimising contact duration
  • Following infection control guidelines


Example Responses for clients who do not agree with vaccinations

Thank you for reaching out with your concerns. I respect your right to choose your own healthcare measures.

The context that we are operating under requires us to follow guidelines set out by SA Health. This requires us to perform our own risk assessments on activities we conduct. Unfortunately we had to take these measures simply to allow us to continue to operate our classes, which bring groups of people into close contact. In addition to the health risks to the vulnerable people a, I personally can’t risk having to shut my business and impact the livelihood of the people and families who rely on me.

It has been a difficult decision and one I have not taken lightly. Thank you for reaching out and I look forward to these times passing and seeing you again soon.

We will process your refund and notify you when this has been completed

Wishing you good health

Emily Eglitis

(Director PhysiYoga)


You can call us during business hours to book your consultation or classes or you can book here. If the times shown online do not suit, please phone us

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