Supporting Lifetime Wellness
When you enter military service, you’re often in peak physical health. But you’re still susceptible to conditions that impact the rest of the Australian population. Unfortunately as much as we like to think we are a sporty, active bunch, research shows that us Aussies aren’t physically active enough. The Australian Department of Health lists the top seven diseases related to lack of physical activity in Australians are “diabetes, bowel and uterine cancer, dementia, breast cancer, coronary heart diseases and stroke”.
Returned servicemen and women can experience unique challenges to health and wellbeing as support networks are disrupted during their deployments and they are more likely to be exposed to traumatic events which further impacts their mental health.

For DVA Clients
At PhysiYoga, we help you to enjoy the health benefits of moving more. All our offerings use movement as medicine. A cornerstone of our approach to Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) clients is Exercise Physiology. Medicare and the Department of Veteran Affairs enable access to funded visits with Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists to address many issues.
How does EP help me as a DVA Client?
Exercise Physiologists (EP’s) are highly trained in exercise science. Learn all about what they do here. They use exercise prescription as a natural medicine to manage chronic disease or post-hospital exercise treatment following a major injury or illness. Exercise Physiology services may assist you with managing the following conditions:
- Diabetes
- Arthritis
- Cancer
- Chronic musculoskeletal conditions
- Mental Health
- Osteoporosis
I don't like exercise tho...
Maybe you haven’t found the right exercise?
Like it or not, exercise is a key tool for managing and preventing a range of diseases (such as those listed above directly related to being physically inactive). Exercise is also a powerful tool for lifting our mood and is vital for positive mental health.
You can use your DVA visits with your Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist to create a tailored plan for you, which may include individual or group Pilates classes.
Consider Yoga. The research body on Yoga, as a physical exercise, rehabilitation tool or a stress management practice is growing. Yoga supports our mental health.
We offer a range of Yoga styles to suit different needs and preferences. We also offer meditation courses and classes. On your visit with your Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist, we can help you find the right yoga class for you.
Funding for DVA
With a DVA Card
You may be able to receive EP services if you have an assessed clinical need (start by visiting your GP for a DVA referral to Exercise Physiology or Physiotherapy) and have either:
- Gold Card
- White Card (and your treatment is related to your accepted condition)
Learn more about the DVA.
Exercise Physiology: Allied Health services treatment cycle
Each treatment cycle and your referral will last for 12 sessions or 1 year (which ever ends first)*. There are no limits on the number of treatment cycles you can have and you can have a separate treatment cycle for each allied health services you need and use them at the same time.
*This does not apply for TPI Gold card holders.
Without a Card: Chronic Health Management Plans
There are two methods with which you can access Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology if you have multiple chronic health issues. Talk to your GP for relevant and up to date details. The following is listed here as a guide, but may be subject to change without notice.
EPC program: Physiotherapy or Exercise Physiology
The Medicare Enhanced Primary Care program provides subsidized visits (five per calendar year) to Allied Health providers such as Physiotherapists or Exercise Physiologists. We provide gap-free visits for physiotherapy for eligible clients.
Diabetes Management
If you are eligible for a Diabetes Management plan, Medicare will subsidize 8 group classes plus an assessment which we bulk-bill (no gap to you).
Getting Started
Get a referral to an exercise physiologist or physiotherapist covered by the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) from your:
- General practitioner
- Medical specialist
- Treating hospital doctor
If you are eligible for services, your exercise physiologist may provide you with a treatment plan, including the numbers of services required, type and frequency.
Note: You only require a referral from your GP if you are accessing these funding models. Otherwise, you can book directly with us and visits are rebatable through your Private Health fund.